Rookie Rugby Bookings

Welcome to our portal for scheduling Rookie Rugby Sessions for schools and community programs. Booking options are sorted by your geographic area based on our staff availability, so please ensure that you choose the right option for you!

We encourage you to use these booking links for all of your booking needs (e.g. one-off visits, recurring visits, etc.) as this service links directly with the calendars of our staff members. If you are having trouble finding a time that works for you or have questions about using the booking links, please email us directly at

Don’t see your area in the list below? Email us at to see how we can help you out!

  • We bring all of our own rugby equipment.
  • We do not charge a fee for these services.
  • We encourage teachers and program leaders to work together in their schools or programs to schedule multiple classes or age groups into a single full or half day visit.
  • We will work with participants of any age or grade (Kindergarten to Grade 12), choosing age-appropriate activities for each group.
  • When visiting schools, we prefer and expect to run our sessions within your normal period schedule to cause minimal disruption to your day.
  • We appreciate it if you give us a heads up if you will have more than 35 participants in a single class/session. This enables us to bring extra instructors to create a better instructor-to-participant ratio.
  • We can run sessions both indoors and outdoors and at any time of year. Please specify whether you want to be indoors or outdoors when booking so that we can plan accordingly for the amount of space and number of participants.
  • We encourage you to use the other resources in this section to teach rugby in your classes without our assistance. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t book us into your school as well. If you are also teaching rugby yourself, we will work with you to teach content that supplements what you intend to teach (e.g. leading the intro class, teaching specific skills in your plan, teaching new skills not covered in your classes).

Regina & Area

Looking for single-class bookings? In order to maximize our ability to reach more students we strongly encourage you to work with other teachers in your school or group leaders in your community program to fill up a half day or full day for our staff.


Bookings are currently full for Spring 2024! Check back in August for Fall availability.

Looking for single-class bookings? In order to maximize our ability to reach more students we strongly encourage you to work with other teachers in your school or group leaders in your community program to fill up a half day or full day for our staff.