Youth Exchanges With Sask Rugby
Sask Rugby facilitates rugby youth exchanges to locations across Canada. These exchanges depart from either Regina or Saskatoon and are open to youth between the ages of 14 and 18 (enrolled in high school at the time of travel). This page is home to information about these exchanges.
These exchanges are organized through the YMCA Youth Exchanges Canada program with funding from the Canadian Heritage Ministry. Our Member Organizations and community rugby programs are key partners in the administration and delivery of this exchange program. Our exchange groups travel as the Dog River Howlers Rugby Club and strive to uphold the traditions of this club.
1. Upcoming Exchanges
2024 - Saskatoon to Halifax (with Rugby Nova Scotia)
Click on the image to the right to view the exchange information brochure.
Key Points:
- The exchange will involve a travelling (March 7-12, 2024) and hosting (May 16-21, 2024) component and participants must be available for each portion.
- Activities on this exchange will include rugby games against Nova Scotia teams, visits to Dalhousie University and Saint Mary’s University , and tours of Halifax historical sites.
- There is space for 20 players on the exchange – ideally 10 male players and 10 female players.
- Players should be between the ages of 14 and 18 (current high school students at time of travel), with a preference for players aged 14 and 15.
- The cost of the exchange portion is $500 and covers all expenses for both the travelling and hosting portions. Participants are expected to have an active Rugby Canada Contact playing membership covering the dates of the exchange.
- The deadline to register for this exchange is Thursday, January 4, 2024.
Please contact for more information on any aspect of the 2024 Saskatoon to Halifax exchange.
2. Family Information Meetings
Have questions about the exchanges listed above? Find a Family Information Meeting Time below and sign up using the link. These meetings are opportunities for families and potential participants to ask questions about the exchange and discuss the next steps to register for the exchange. Youth, parents, and guardians are welcome to attend. All meetings take place via Zoom.
Upcoming Meetings:
Sept 7, 2023 – 7:30pm – Saskatoon to Halifax Exchange – ACCESS SLIDES / ACCESS RECORDING
Nov 22, 2023 – 7:30pm – Saskatoon to Halifax Exchange – ACCESS SLIDES / ACCESS RECORDING
Click on “REGISTER NOW” beside the meeting of your choice to register for a Family Information Meeting.
3. Register for the Exchange
Are you ready to register for an exchange? There are three steps that need to be completed to confirm your spot on an exchange:
- Download, complete, and sign the Participant Consent form available via the button to the right.
- Complete a sign-up form (including kit sizes). Be sure to select the correct exchange that you wish to sign up for. There will be a field on the sign-up form to attach your completed Participant Consent form.
Send your participant payment of $500 to Sask Rugby by either: Cheque to Sask Rugby received at the following mailing address: 300 – 1734 Elphinstone St, Regina, Saskatchewan S4T 1K1 OR E-transfer to Please specify the exchange that you are paying for in the note section of the e-transfer (e.g. “2023 Victoria” or “2024 Halifax”).
Use the buttons and links to the right to access the sign-up form, kit sizing charts, and Participant Consent form.
Please contact for more information on any aspect of the exchange program or if you require an alternative payment method (i.e. credit card).
4. Become a Group Leader
Want to become a Group Leader (adult coach/chaperone) for an exchange trip? Group Leaders travel with the group free of charge and work to ensure that participants have a safe and enjoyable exchange experience. Additionally, Group Leaders get the ability to work with other rugby coaches from across the country to develop their own skills and capabilities. The commitments and requirements of Group Leaders are below.
- Group Leaders must be available to travel and host on the specified dates for their exchange group.
- Group Leaders are expected to be available to prepare participants for the exchange by coaching pre-exchange practice sessions (either independently or in conjunction with a community rugby program). If the exchange trip will take place during the regular Junior rugby season, Group Leaders may be required to coach with a local community rugby program to ensure continuity of coaching for the participating athletes.
- Group Leaders will be expected to participate in planning meetings and discussions for the exchange trip as needed to confirm the trip itinerary and other details.
- Group Leaders must maintain a Rugby Canada Coach Registration for the duration of their exchange activities (including any practice sessions).
- Group Leaders must maintain the minimum requirements to coach rugby in the province of Saskatchewan:
- World Rugby Concussion Management Online Module
- World Rugby Rugby Ready Online Module
- Respect in Sport Certification
- Criminal Record Vulnerable Sector Check (contact Sask Rugby Office)
- Understand and commit to following the Sask Rugby Code of Conduct while engaged in rugby activities (both as part of the exchange and during other rugby activities).
Interested individuals should use the expression of interest form in the button below to provide their information to Sask Rugby and to be considered for an upcoming exchange. Interested individuals can specify whether they are interested in a current exchange opportunity specifically* or future opportunities generally.
*Please be advised that current exchange opportunities may already have Group Leaders selected.