Safe Sport
/in Safe Sport/by Jordan AstropeSafe Sport
In 1975 Saskatchewan Rugby’s founding mission statement was to provide rugby under safe conditions in Saskatchewan and today we strive to make rugby in Saskatchewan as safe as possible and wlecoming for all participants. Keeping rugby healthy, safe and fun has been a priority of Saskatchewan Rugby for decades and we actively work with our membership and partners to fulfill that goal.
Saskatchewan Rugby has many practices, policies and resources available (listed below) that assist with bullying, abuse, harassment, discrimination, maltreatment and conflict in sport.
Saskatchewan Rugby Safe Sport Goal
Our goal is to provide a safe and quality experience for current and future rugby communities across Saskatchewan.
Our Values
INTEGRITY is central to the fabric of the game and is generated through honesty and fair play.
The rugby community have a PASSION and enthusiasm for the game. Rugby generates excitement, emotional attachment and a sense of bolonging to the rugby community.
Rugby provides a spirit of SOLIDARITY that leads to lifelong friendships, camaraderie, teamwork and loyalty which transcends cultural, geographic, political and religious differences.
DISCIPLINE is an integral part of the game both on and off the field and is reflected through adherence to the laws, the regulations and rugby’s core values.
RESPECT for teammates, opponents, match officials and those involved in the game is paramount.

Saskatchewan Rugby Safe Sport Goal
Saskatchewan Rugby Follows a very similar Safe Sport framework to Rugby Canada through their three key pillars: Awareness, Prevention, and Response. Each pillar is supported by resources and policies. The purpose of the framework is to provide a clear guide for all members to access resources and support required to implement safe and inclusive rugby programming.
Safe Sport Policy Index
The Safe Sport Policy Index acts as a hub for all relevant pieces within Saskatchewan Rugby’s Safe Sport Policy. This policy is intended to promote a Safe Sport environment in a manner that allows for consistent, immediate, appropriate, and meaningful action should any issues arise, but also to prevent issues from arising in the first place by communicating expected standards of behaviour.
Safe Sport Policy Document Glossary
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Athlete Protection Policy
- Saskatchewan Rugby Code of Conduct and ethics
- Discipline and Complaints Policy
- Discipline and Complaints Policy Flowchart
- Investigations Policy - Discrimination, Harassment, Maltreatment and Prohhibited Behaviour
- Alternate Dispute Resolution Policy
- Appeal Policy
- Appeal Policy Flowchart
- Social Media Policy
- Screening Policy
- Screening Application Form
- Screening Disclosure Form
- Screening Renewal Form
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Conflict of Interest Declaration Form
Complaint Process
In the event of an incident or a breach of conduct, a complaint can be made in accordance to the Saskatchewan Rugby Safe Sport’s Discipline and Complaints Policy. The procedure is best outlined via the graphic below and if further clarification is required then please refer to the Discipline and Complaints Policy or the detailed Flowchart which outlines the Complaint Process. All complaints can be made anonymously via the IntegrityCounts Confidential & Anonymous Reporting System which will be directed to Sask Sport for further review.
Reporting an Incident
Step 1: The introduction which includes a check-box for the terms of use.
Step 2: Enter in Sask Sport as the organization then declare your identity within Sask Sport as well as whether you wish the complaint to be anonymous or to have contact information included.
Step 3: Fill the necessary fields to provide a detailed report of the complaint or breach in question.
Step 4: Provide any supporting documentation if possible through the File Dropper.
Step 5: Review your Complaint and create a password which can be used to revisit your complaint for details regarding the next step in the Complaint Process.

All persons under the umbrella of Saskatchewan Rugby, as well as those among Rugby Canada, will process Safe Sport complaints with the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC), which serves as the central hub of Abuse-Free Sport. All other organizational members will continue to have access to Rugby Canada’s independent mechanism.
Incidents that involved alleged Maltreatment or Prohibited Behaviour involving a UCCMS Participant must be reported to the OSIC and will be addressed purusuant to the OSIC’s policies and procedures.
OSIC shall determine the admissibility of such complaints in accordance with the relevant and applicable OSIC Guidelines regarding the initial review and preliminary assessment, at their sole discretion.
Saskatchewan Rugby acknowledges the obligation of Rugby Canada, as a Progeram Signatory to the OSIC, to ensure that any sanctions or measures imposed by the OSIC’s Director of Sanctions and Outcomes will be implemented and respected within Rugby Canada’s jurisdiction (including at the provincial, territorial and club level), once Rugby Canada receives appropriate notice of any sanction or measure from the OSIC and communicates the same to Saskatchewan Rugby. The Safe Sport Liaison shall communicate any OSIC sanctions or measures resulting in a suspension of one year or longer, received from Rugby Canada to Sask Sport.
Disputes managed by the OSIC will not be subject to appeals under Saskatchewan Rugby as it will be handled in accordance with the policies and procedures of the OSIC or the Director of Sanctions and Outcomes, as applicable.
Many communities and corporations make efforts to keep sport safe at every level. Using the resources and opportunities provided is crucial to breaking the stigmas, barriers, and maltreatment we see today. See below for resources provided for you and anyone else in the Saskatchewan Rugby community to grow awareness and help those in need.
Respect in Sport
The online RESPECT IN SPORT ACTIVITY LEADER PROGRAM educates youth leaders, coaches, oficials and participants (14-years and up) to recognize, understand and respond to issues of bullying, abuse, harassment, and discrimination.
The online RESPECT IN SPORT PARENT PROGRAM helps define a standard of behaviour for all parents to create a more rewarding, safe and respectful environment for everyone involved.
Coaching Association of Canada
The COACHING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA offers a variety of training programs that empower coaches with knowledge and skills, promote ethics, foster positive attitudes, build competence, and increase the credibility and recognition of coaches.
Commit to Kids
The COMMIT TO KIDS program helps child-serving organizations reduce the risk of sexual abuse and create safer environments for children in their care.